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Financial Planning

More than just financial planning

What is Financial Planning?

We can coordinate financial planning, estate planning, and tax planning, all in-house! We have a full arsenal of strategic Elysium partnerships that we want our clients to take full advantage of. We’ve seen how the right advice can be life-changing and it comes only after we collectively understand where you are today and what you want to accomplish in the future. We provide personalized recommendations to help you get there.  

Goal-Based Financial Planning

Your financial plan will go beyond mere numbers, considering your dreams, priorities, and life stages. The comprehensive approach tailors investment strategies, savings, and financial decisions to align with your goals. We help provide you with clear direction that empowers you to make informed decisions that pave the way for a fulfilling financial journey. 

Cash Flow Analysis

This analysis allows you to identify patterns, allocate resources more effectively, and pinpoint areas where adjustments can be made to improve your overall financial well-being. Whether you’re aiming to save for specific goals, optimize your budget, or enhance your investment strategies, our cash flow analysis empowers you to take control of your finances. 

Review of Income Sources

We believe in using a holistic view of your financial landscape to create the most obtainable and realistic financial plan. By reviewing all your income sources, we can create personalized recommendations on how to optimize them. 

Emergency Funding

An emergency fund is your financial safety net. Our professionals help you establish and maintain an emergency fund that provides peace of mind during unexpected financial challenges. 

Dollar Cost Averaging

Building wealth is a long-term endeavor. Dollar cost averaging is a disciplined approach to investing that minimizes the impact of market volatility and helps you achieve your financial goals. 

Estate Planning

Financial planning is intertwined with estate planning to secure your legacy and protect your loved one’s financial future.  

  • Trust Integration: We recognize that estate planning is not just about financial assets – it’s about leaving a meaningful legacy and securing your family’s future. You can rest assured that your wishes will be honored, and your assets will be protected with our partnership with Elysium Wills & Trusts!  
  • Titling & Beneficiary Designations: These often-overlooked aspects play a crucial role in shaping the distribution of your assets and ensuring your intentions are honored in the event of significant life changes. We are here to update account owners and beneficiaries or open new accounts corresponding to what your estate wishes! 

Tax Planning

We guide you through the intricate landscape of tax strategies to help you optimize your financial future. Our team of experts is dedicated to assisting you in navigating the complexities of tax planning, ensuring that you keep more of what you’ve worked hard to earn.  

  • Forecast Analysis & Reporting: We use tools to project various scenarios based on your current financial situation, goals, and market trends and how changes in the economy will impact that. This creates a forward-looking perspective on your financial journey.   
  • Potential Roth Conversions: Converting traditional retirement accounts to Roth accounts can offer long-term tax benefits. We evaluate your situation and advise on potential Roth conversions that align with your financial goals.  

Net Worth Analysis

This service is designed to offer you a comprehensive and clear picture of your financial health by assessing your assets, liabilities, and overall financial standing. Through financial planning, we also help you obtain your goal net worth! 

Wealth Conservation Strategies

We want to ensure that all of your wealth is protected. We pride ourselves on minimizing losses and building wealth. In order to build, we manage your pre-existing wealth and make sure we are using the correct products and services to take care of it. There are understandable concerns with any financial decision, but we are here to make sure that everything is working properly for you. 

Ongoing Strategy Sessions & Reviews

The first few meetings with your financial advisor are just the beginning of your relationship with Elysium Financial! We are here to guide our clients through any financial situation or uncertainty. One of the benefits of Elysium Financial is ongoing financial reviews to verify that you are on track to reach your goals!

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Este servicio está siendo proporcionado por una entidad que no es una Proveedor legal tradicional. Esta entidad es propiedad / administrada (total o parcialmente) por personas que no son abogados que no están sujetas a las mismas reglas que los abogados. Para obtener más información, haga clic aquí.
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Investment Advisory services offered through Lift Wealth Management, a Registered Investment Advisor. 
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