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Mortgage Loans

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Conventional Loans

Conventional loan options can be fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable-rate mortgages, balloon mortgages, or hybrid loans. Almost any type of loan that you take, if not issued by a government entity, is considered a conventional loan.

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FHA Loans

An FHA loan option is a mortgage loan that is insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Essentially, the federal government insures loans for FHA-approved lenders in order to reduce their risk of loss if a borrower defaults on their mortgage payments.

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VA Loan

VA loan options are home loans for the purchase of a primary residence available to consumers who have served or are presently serving in the U.S. military. While the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) does not lend money for VA loans, it backs loans made by private lenders (banks, savings and loans, or mortgage companies) to veterans who qualify. Those who are eligible include: Veterans, Active-duty personnel, Reservists/National Guard members and some surviving spouses.

Reverse Mortgages

This type of loan offering can be the perfect tool for home owners later on in life that have equity in their property and are short on their monthly expenses. Consult with a professional on our team to see if this loan product can be used to help you.

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HELOC's and 2nd Mortgages

VA loan options are home loans for the purchase of a primary residence available to consumers who have served or are presently serving in the U.S. military. While the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) does not lend money for VA loans, it backs loans made by private lenders (banks, savings and loans, or mortgage companies) to veterans who qualify. Those who are eligible include: Veterans, Active-duty personnel, Reservists/National Guard members and some surviving spouses.

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Home Equity Loan

If you have built some solid equity in your home, a home equity loan option lets you exchange a part of this equity for cash. A lot of people use this cash loan to make home repairs, upgrades, pay for college tuition and other expenses. It’s really up to you. However you decide to use your home equity money, you can usually deduct the interest. That’s a pretty appealing reason to finally buy those big-ticket items you’ve been wanting. Home equity loans are also a good option if you face high medical bills or some other emergency.

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